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April 2024 Matches

Writer: AdminAdmin

Matches: AM Roupell Match PM Roberts Match Location: Pirbright Sarts Range Weather: Overcast

Temp: 16 Deg Wind: up to 12 mph SSW (coming from behind the firing point down range, slightly right to left) Distances: 100m-300m both matches

The day in general What a cracking day, as these two matches always are. Most people would say these shoots should be a cake walk as its electronic fall when hit targets, scoring is just a hit x4 points, so no trying for the 5 rings, and no butts to manage. But, its not the case, the two matches are designed to get the shooter thinking about the course of fire. Roupell: A prone and a fire trench practice, the prone practice has a 6 second up and hold at 200m, I watched more than a few people only get two rounds off instead of three, you have to be quick! A kneeling supported and off hand practice, both snap shoots with very quick targets particularly at 100m.

Roberts: Practice one with its run and 2x mag dump catches many out, if you can get 7 or 8 off at 100, its good, expend the first mag at 200 then change and use your last mag of ten at 300, again, be quick, 25 seconds at 300 isnt long! The neck breaker or Agony snaps, at 200/300m, this 7 minute practice should get you 10/10 hits, but its not that easy, take a breath at the wrong time and its a target gone!

And on top of all that, some knarly wind behind the shooter gave some shooters problems, it was moving slightly right to left, do you put wind on or not, personally, I put a minute to the right on just to hold the 300s! Thanks to the organisers, console team, RCOs and Blair for rounding up the cattle when needed. Photos courtesy of the NRAUK. Videos at the bottom

Roupell Practice 1 Prone (short)

Roupell Practice 2 Fire Trench (short)

Roupell Practice 3 Kneeling Supported (short)

Roupell Practice 4 Standing/Kneeling/Squatting Snaps (short)



2022 Service Rifle Shooter : Images Courtesy of NRA UK & Competitors

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